

Don’t Be a Statistic: Safety Precautions You Need to Adopt When Using a Shredder

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there were more than 200,000 visits to the emergency room in 2013 due to injuries associated with paper shredders. When it comes to using a shredder, there are some safety precautions you need...


The ABC’s of oilfield accidents 

Oilfield accidents are a reality of working in the oil and gas industry. While the vast majority of workers go home safe and sound at the end of each day, accidents do happen. In this blog post, we will discuss...


Can Marketing Save a Struggling Business_

  Worried about the success of your business? Is your business in a slump? Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your marketing strategy. A good marketing strategy should include using a variety of different channels to spread the word about your...


Five Reasons Why People Give Gifts On Birthdays

The tradition of giving presents on a person's birthday is observed worldwide. Present-day birthdays and birthday celebrations typically include this activity as a matter of course. Your birthday is a celebration of the anniversary of the day you entered this...

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