Hiring candidates for entry-level positions isn’t a challenge for most companies. However, only a handful of people in the job market can occupy executive-level positions in your company. When you eventually find someone with all the qualifications and requirements you’ve been looking for, you’re willing to give anything to get them to accept your offer.
For this article, we decided to reach out to renewable energy headhunters at Whitham Group. The company has been in the industry for 12 years, and 80% of the candidates that they placed in corporations have maintained the positions for the last five years.
If anyone knows the secrets of renewable energy executive recruitment, it’s the team at Whitham Group. They can use their experience and industry knowledge to find top talent for you if you’re currently looking. Visit their website to learn more.
Here are some tips to make your company more attractive to an ideal candidate that we gathered from talking to their professionals.
1- Highlight How Your Company Culture Suits Their Personality
A work environment that suits one’s personality is the secret to long-term job satisfaction. One of the things renewable energy headhunters at Whitham Group are most careful about is ensuring their recommended candidates have a personality compatible with the company’s culture. This is because when employees are surrounded by like-minded people, they’re more likely to build strong relationships. This allows them to work better with others and benefits the company.
Studies also show that people with friends at work are less likely to accept offers from other companies as they’re highly satisfied. If your company culture matches your ideal candidate’s personality traits, it can be the one thing that convinces them to choose you over others. Make sure to highlight how your company culture suits them during interviews.
If you’ve never considered personally for renewable energy recruitment before, work with Whitham Group to find candidates who are likely to retain their position for a long time.
2- Focus On How Your Company Aligns With Their Goals
Top talent in the renewable energy industry is used to being approached by headhunters and HR personnel from different companies. They have the luxury of choosing what they want to do with their careers. If you know your ideal candidate’s career goals, focus on how they can achieve them at your company. Talk about how your company’s goals align with their career goals and argue why your company is a good fit for them.
Of course, this will only work if they have things in common with your company. You can’t convince a proponent of fission power to join your solar energy company. This is why it’s important to search for candidates for whom your company is a good fit. Finding candidates who only meet your requirements is not enough. Your company must also meet their requirements.
This is what Whitham Group excels at. Their renewable energy headhunters consider everything about the thousands of candidates in their database to find perfect matches. The ideal candidates they recommend are already interested in joining your company.
3- Assure Them Of The Health Of Your Company
Executive-level employees have high stakes in your business. If your company goes under, it will affect their careers more than your entry-level employees—they’re not going to board a sinking ship. On the other hand, if your company becomes highly successful in the near future, they will get a piece of that pie.
Candidates for executive positions want to know your company is in good health before they join you. They must be assured of your company’s health just as investors and stakeholders do. Pull up all your numbers and charts and show them you’re on a successful trajectory.

4- Talk About Your Competitive Advantages
Your company is probably doing something innovative that separates it from other companies. Your business runners and stakeholders have reasons to believe in the future of your solutions.
Stand out from other companies by talking about the competitive advantages your company has over others. Explain why your products and services are more promising than others and why you think your company has a big future ahead of itself. This is one of the ideal ways to convince top talent to choose you even if you can’t offer competitive pay. If the candidate believes in your company as your stakeholders do, they will accept the offer.
5- Explain How They Can Make A Difference
Many experienced professionals are in the renewable energy industry not for money or success but to contribute to improving human impact on the environment. They want to use their expertise to make a difference in the world.
Talk about what your company is doing to lower our carbon emissions. Explain how your solutions are better alternatives to other sources of energy used today and the role the candidate will play in this endeavor.

6- Find Candidates With Experienced Renewable Energy Recruiters
All of these tips work better if the candidate’s personality, goals, and preferences already align with your company. Renewable energy recruiters at Whitham Group can find such candidates for you. They also always ensure the candidates they suggest have motivations to join your company other than money. You don’t have to do much convincing when you’re also an ideal company for your ideal candidate.
Need help recruiting experienced candidates in the renewable energy industry? Get in touch now!